Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mt Respendent

The plan was to climb Mt Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies. The glaciers are big, so are the crevasses and the peak stands high above many others in it's neighborhood. It's verry impressive to travel in this area. On our second day of traveling towards the high camp, we had to change plans. Robson is very challenging to climb in 5 days from Canmore including the drive.
The main reason is that 'The Mousetrap' is impossible to pass as of this time (big crevasse near the top) and the only attractive option to climb to The Dome is by going to the coll and scramble the ridge. To reach The Dome and have some time to eat and sleep before the summit attempt, takes three days. We did not have enough time left for a serious attempt of climbing Robsons' Kain Face.

We climbed Mt Resplendent instead and although it's a high peak by itself, you still feel little on the summit when looking at Mt Robson. Here you'll see some pictures taken during our 4 day trip in Robson Provincial Park.

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