Friday, July 9, 2010

Lougheed Traverse day 2

Waking up with a view! This was our bivi spot for the night. No tent, just our sleeping bags, and an inflatable mattress. Waking up in the middle of the night with just the stars.... Waking up in the morning with the sun....... It was truly amazing.

Some nice alpine flowers along the way. It's the time of year for the most colorful species in the high alpine. You can see me on peak 3 in the morning with Mount Assiniboine in the back (centre right). Another picture of Bram and me, watch our sunglasses and you'll see how this picture has been made. Our decent between peak 3 and 4 was fast due the soft snow. We were overwhelmed by the huge walls of Mount Sparrowhawk. Further down the valley, we found a beautiful place for lunch. A valley without trails, without people... a place where people are rarely seen. Very peaceful.

We had decided to skip peak 4 because we where tired, the rope was damaged, the rock was loose and we wanted to be home early for a BBQ and a beer. It was 26 degrees and we where lucky to find a very cool spot near the creek further down in which we 'skinny dipped'. It was screaming cold!!

With a beer in our hand we watched Mount Lougheed from our patio later that day. It was worth the effort. Honestly very glad that peak 4 is out of view from hour home, so we don't have to feel guilty all the time of not climbing the 4th peak.

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