Saturday, May 8, 2010

Columbia Icefields May 2- May 6th

Once up the Icefields, the clouds kicked in and all that was left was Bram and me....
In these white-out conditions you can't see any difference between the surface you're walking on and the sky. Because there's no horizon, it is really difficult to keep your balance. The GPS and Compass were our friends for the rest of the day until we reached camp. Next day: same! Third day: same! We killed a lot of time making a huge windwall from iglo snow blocks. That was fun to do! In the tent we solved Sudoko puzzles and I listened to an audio book on my I-pod. We felt as if we were on the North Pole. Would there be other people? Also we were really curious about the views of the Icefield itself and the surrounding peaks. But we had to be patient.... Now and then there was a little hope as you can see on the picture with the milky sun.

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