Thursday, June 23, 2011

travel BC week 1

Hi all,

we're traveling in beautiful British Colombia for about a week now and lots has happened. First we stopped at some pretty awesome natural hot springs in the Pemberton area where we bathed four times! And we rested from our trip to the Netherlands. Thanks to the jet lag we woke up pretty early every day and we where able to experience the big trees in the forest where we slept.

It was time for some alpine climbing after these days of rest, it stopped raining too! We hiked up to a nice hut 1200 mtrs up from the parking lot. Lots and lots of snow left on the approach. We had the alpine all to ourselves..... unfortunately we did not get a solid overnight freeze and the summit attempted of mount wedge failed because of that. But lucky we did get some sun and astonishing views over the coast mountains. We made it up to 2500 mtrs.

Now we are in the Whistler and Squamish area and did some more camping and hiking. Tonight we will meet some friends who live here and we can take a shower...mmm. As you can see from the pictures we meet lots of wildlife. We already have seen 11 bears! Once there was a mouse in the car because a roll of toilet paper was completely eaten. And a squirrel came over to visit us and liked peanut butter and sambal Oelek a lot!! The waterfall is the Brandywine falls.

We hope to do some rock climbing in Squamish and after the weekend we are heading to Vancouver Island to arrange some spots for the West Coast Trail hike. I'm really excited about that!! So far for now, lots of updates and hopefully some pictures of my own are coming soon (card reader will not work in the laptop).

Stephane, as promised this story in English... you're welcome!
