Monday, May 23, 2011


The pallet is ready for pick up! It was a lot of thinking and some stress was involved.
But all the stuff that we wanted to be shipped is on there. 3 bikes, 2 pair of ski's, 14 banana boxes, bbq and much, much more! June 18 it arrives in Rotterdam. See you later!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Linda running the halfmarathon.

Last Saturday Linda ran the Rocky Mountain Womens Run together with Lisa.

Camping and hiking around Spillimacheen.

Our camping spot in Spillimacheen were we did some climbing on the cliffs that catch the light of the setting sun in the picture.

Lower Bugaboo Falls. Look at the water spouting out of the hole.

The hole from a different viewpoint.

Linda while hiking in the Canyon near Golden.

And myself and Basta near Golden.

Camping at Whiteswan Lake and enjoying Lussier hotsprings.

Some pictures taken at White Swan Lake Provincial Park in BC.

Linda soaking in the Lussier hotsprings next to the freezing cold river. The top pool is really warm. 39 degrees. The lower ones are cooler.